
for unto us a child is born...

and what better a reason to gather together? This past Sunday came together as a family to take a Christmas photo and sign cards for our precious kids as we do every year. We were blessed to be able to gather at a dear friend of Deanna's beautiful home in the Hollywood Hills. We hope that our cards find their way to the children we hold so dear and that it brings them love, joy, and peace. As always our hearts are with them as they navigate the waters of the holidays.  For most of us the holidays bring JOY and FAMILY and all things BEAUTIFUL.  For a lot of our children the holidays are just another day.  As you enjoy all things seasonal keep our beautiful children in your mind and if you can, in your heart as well.  Enjoy this Christmas!
Much love, joy, and peace,
Kids-Net LA

(front row from left to right: Ryan, Jerm, Tom, and Jason.  Behind them from left to right: Cameron, Marcus, Heidi, Bruce, Kenny W., Chanel, Carly, Deanna, Jax, Ashley S., Stefan, Anastasia, Matt, Susan)

We missed those of you who missed our Christmas Party!