
The test of love is in how one relates not to saints and scholars but to rascals.
     -- Abraham Joshua Heschel


Prospective new family members...

Today was a great day of meeting new volunteer applicants for camp 2010! We can’t help but feel gracious to the gifts that we’ve been given in the people who join our family.  We’re reminded of the resiliency of the human spirit; all the things that are put in our lives that we can see as challenges, we can also see as opportunities.  Our spirits don’t just survive, they recover, they heal, they blossom.  We’re reminded that the fast-paced, action-packed life we live needs to slow down.  Our hearts are renewed in faith to meet people who are strong, encouraging, at peace with their lives, honest and humble and most importantly; ready to share ALL of their hearts and love some kids who desperately need it. We can’t wait to meet more new prospective family members in next weeks interviews and to introduce all the new volunteers to all the veterans.